Friday, April 27, 2012


A major failing of successive Norfolk Island Governments has been in the procurement of goods and services,  a weakness alluded to in both the Review of the Norfolk Island Public Service and the ACIL Tasman Report on the Economic Development of Norfolk Island.

An unfortunate aspect of this for Norfolk Island is the ease with which these shortcomings can be hidden.

Norfolk lacks the robust form of parliamentary protection afforded other States, Territories and the Commonwealth;  we lack a serious press that can expose wrongdoing;  and  we lack an effective solution to ineffective government when all else fails.

An example of the NIG's inability to effectively manage its affairs lies in the harbour facilities design work commissioned by the Nobbs government.

Many will recall that the government of the 12th Assembly engaged the engineering firm, Worley Parsons,  to do some design work on an improved harbour facility for Norfolk. It appears that $124,000 has been expended on the project and still no report of any kind appears to have found its way into the public domain.  This has not been for lack of trying on the part of at least one MLA.  Ms. Ward has asked a number of questions of Minister Nobbs over almost two years in an effort to get the report released but all to no avail.

The ACIL Tasman report on Economic Development for Norfolk Island, and many other reports over the years have emphasised the need to improve our port facilities. The Worley Parsons report can potentially add some momentum to the resolution of this problem, but only if it gets out into the open and talked about. 

There is some speculation as to why the report has not yet surfaced. Some suggest it is because Worley Parsons have not been paid, others suggest that the report is of minimal value and essentially a waste of $124,000.  Whatever the reason or reasons if the work is to have any value in assisting progress towards improved infrastructure for the island, it must be released immediately.

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