After listening to the Norfolk Island Chief Minister and the Tourism Minister on the local radio station on Friday, the objective of this post crept into my consciousness . Perhaps it was the Tourism Minister's copious use of travel industry vernacular that suggested a "call to action" demanding that I google, "is branding bullshit".
You'll have to pardon the somewhat indelicate expression, but when surfing the net, google does prefer that you call a spade a spade. A more delicately phrased search i.e. "is branding cattle excrement" produced a lot of information about the practice and effects of cattle branding, i.e. burning a mark into the hide of a dumb animal (Norfolk Island politicians once again "top of mind") however nothing got me as close to the heart of my question as as the more commonly used term for bull poo.
After doing my search it became apparent that this was an oft asked question to the extent that a good graphic was available and I reproduce that here for the purpose of clarity.
There has been some discussion on Norfolk Island about our brand "the World of Norfolk" and whether it works or not and there is a lot of angst about the marketing of Norfolk Island as a tourist destination.
Norfolk Island is a great place to have a holiday, no question, providing of course that what we have is what you want in a holiday. Check out this site Norfolk Island Holiday
Maybe the brand is getting a bad rap and maybe our problem is less about the marketing than it is about the cost of getting here, who knows. The link below leads to an interesting piece that IMHO is relevant to the local discussion.
I guess there is one thing that's clear; if you expect customers to find you, and the net is where it's at, you better be sure that whatever they put in that google line will hit on you. If Norfolk Island's web identity gets lost in the other Norfolks of this world then maybe it's like my branding excrement exercise and just not getting it done.
Anyway for an interesting disertation on "what works better in a down economy, a crackin' offer and incentive, or innovative creative that builds the brand positioning?" Follow the link
Branding %^%^%
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